1. Wrist turn with weight
To perform a wrist lift, palm up:
- grip a light weight
- bend the elbow at a right angle
- extend the hand outwards, palm facing up
- twist the wrist around gradually, until the palm is facing down
- hold the position for 5 seconds
- repeat nine more times
- do two more sets of 10 repetitions
2. Wrist lift, palm up
- grip a light weight
- bend the elbow at a right angle
- extend the hand outwards, palm facing up
- bend the wrist up towards the body
- hold this position for 5 seconds, then release slowly
- repeat nine more times
- do two more sets of 10 repetitions
3. Elbow bend
To perform the elbow bend:
- stand straight
- lower the arm to one side
- slowly bend the arm upwards until the hand touches the shoulder
- hold this position for 15 seconds and then repeat 2 more times
- do two more sets of 3 repetitions
4. Wrist extensor stretch
To perform the wrist extensor stretch:
- raise the arm straight out in front of the body
- with the palm facing up, slowly bend the wrist downwards
- using the other hand, gently pull the stretching hand down
- hold this position for 15 seconds and then repeat 2 more times
- do two more sets of 3 repetitions
5. Wrist extensor flex
To perform the wrist extensor flex:
- raise the arm straight out in front of the body
- with the palm facing down, slowly bend the wrist upwards
- using the other hand, gently pull the fingers back towards the body
- hold this position for 15 seconds and then repeat 2 more times
- do two more sets of 3 repetitions
6. Fist squeeze
To perform the fist squeeze:
- use a tennis ball and place in the palm
- grip the ball or towel with the fingers to form a fist
- squeeze tightly for 10 seconds
- repeat nine more times
- do two more sets of 10 repetitions
7. Towel twist
- hold a loosely rolled-up towel lengthways, with one hand at each end
- keep the shoulders relaxed
- twist the towel by moving the hands in opposite directions, as if wringing out water
- repeat nine more times
- do two more sets of 10 repetitions